Home Page

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 2021-22

Your class teachers are Mrs Torres (Mon - Weds) and Mrs Hickson (Thur - Fri), supported by Miss Thompson and Miss Holden.  Please keep visiting our page for information about what we are doing in class and to see some of the wonderful work produced.

Our Class Timetable


The image is a sample timetable as this does change slightly in line with our Spelling approach, which requires a two week cycle.

PE is on Monday and Friday.  Children must come to school wearing their PE kit.

Our school PE kit is:

- a white t-shirt

- black shorts

- pumps for indoors

- trainers of pumps for outdoors

- plain, black jogging bottoms


Branded sportswear and coloured hoodies should not be worn.

Our Learning

Science (Centripetal Force)

PE - Basketball

PSHE - Celebrating Difference - How Rumours Spread

Mental Health Week - Growing Together

RE - The Kingdom of God

RE - The Bible

RE - The Nativity Story

Science - Do we slow down as we get older?

Linked Learning (Curriculum Maestro)

Curriculum Information

Meet the Teachers' Presentation

Useful Links

  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227