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Memory Box

Are you ready to travel back in time?


This half term, we’re taking a trip to the past to discover what life was like at the time when we were born. Younger children will come along to our Teddy Bear’s picnic, so we can observe how toddlers play and move. We’ll also find out how babies change and grow over time. Thinking about our childhoods, we’ll use photos and objects from the past to help us remember special times including weddings and christenings. We’ll talk about our families and share happy memories of people or pets who are no longer alive. Learning about the days, weeks and months of the year will help us to work out how long we will have to wait for our birthdays to arrive! We’ll decide how objects from the past were used and have fun learning games, songs and dances from bygone days.


We’ll share class memory books, collages and a rap with you at the end of our project and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Useful Information

We brought in personal items from our past and shared memories

We sorted our personal items into groups, using our Maths sorting skills

We used our senses to work out what the secret items were

We used our Design and Technology skills to make a toy from the past - Cup and Ball

Science Love to Investigate - 'How does it feel?'

We designed, made and evaluated our own memory boxes and then filled them with our precious items.

Homework - The children's home learning efforts.

Year 1's Learning Journey

We invited parents and carers into class to share our learning journey. We introduced our topic to them through a presentation we wrote ourselves, and then spent time sharing the memories and precious items in our boxes with them.

Music - Hey You - Composition

Music - Hey You - Composition

Music - Hey You - Composition

Music - Hey You - Composition

Music - Hey You - Composition

Music - Hey You! - Glockenspiels and Recorders

Still image for this video

Music - Hey You! - Glockenspiels and Recorders

Still image for this video

Music - Hey You Rap Song

Still image for this video

Gymnastics - Balances

Gymnastics - Balancing and Travelling

Gymnastics - Rocking for Forward Roll

Still image for this video

Gymnastics - Rolls - Log Roll / Egg Roll / Dish Roll

  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227