Home Page

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 2023-2024


Your class teachers are Miss Smith and Mrs Hickson, supported by Miss Burton and Miss Thompson. Please keep visiting our page for information about what is going on in class and to see the wonderful work we have produced. 

Class Timetable



PE is on Monday and Wednesday. Children must come to school wearing their PE kit.

Our school PE kit is:


- a white t-shirt

- black shorts

- pumps for indoors

- trainers of pumps for outdoors

- plain, black jogging bottoms

- Navy cardigan/sweatshirt


Branded sportswear and hoodies should not be worn.

Reading Books and Library Books 


Reading books will be changed as soon as books are finished. The children can change their books themselves in order to develop independence and freedom of choice. Please send your child's book into school everyday so an adult can listen to them read in school. Children are expected to read at home 3 x weekly and have their reading record signed by an adult. 


Your child will bring home a library book on a Wednesday and they will need to return the book the following Tuesday. 


Phonics Homework 


Phonics homework books will be sent home each Friday. Books need to be returned to school the following Thursday. The newsletters to support this will be uploaded to Seesaw each week. 

Useful Links

Campfire Experience Day - 26.3.24

Wellbeing Through Sport - 25.3.24

RE - Designing a Paschal Candle - 21.3.24

Researching Owls - 18.3.24

British Science Week - Can Plants Grow Anywhere? - 14.3.24

Maths - Sharing - Making Equal Groups - 13.3.24

Wellbeing Through Sport - 11.3.24

Mother's Day - 8.3.24

DT - Final Products - Freestanding Play Structures

World Book Day 2024 - Apes to Zebras

Maths - Division - Grouping - 6.3.24

English - Rhyming Words - 5.3.24

DT - Making Free Standing Structures - Playground Equipment

Rare Disease Day - 29.2.24

DT - Free Standing Structures Design - 15.2.24

Rally Coach - solving two-step problems in Maths - 12.2.24

Wellbeing Through Sport - 12.2.24

Children's Mental Health Week - The Invisible Boy - Big Questions Placemat Consensus

Safer Internet Day - Hatch Me - Placemat Consensus and Talking Chips

DT - Freestanding Structures - Joining Card - 8.2.24

Wellbeing Through Sport - 5.2.24

PSHE - Working towards a goal as a team - 1.2.24

RE - Jacob's Ladder Paintings - 25.1.24

Wellbeing Through Sport - 22.1.24

English - Empathy Glasses - 15.1.24

Wellbeing Through Sport - 15.1.24

Exploring 3D Shapes - 12.1.24

Christmas Party - Prize Winners

Christmas Party - Pass the Parcel

Earning a Blue Peter Badge!

Writing and Posting Postcards - Meerkat Christmas Mail

Christ-Maths Snowmen

12.12.23 - Performing the Nativity at Nazareth House

Maths - Making 10 to add

RE - 14.9.23 - Exploring different Bibles

Jigsaw - 15.9.23 - Responsibility

PE with Coach Leon - Rolling - 18.9.23

Maths - Partitioning tens and ones - 20.9.23

PE with Coach Leon - Throwing - 25.9.23

Maths - Partitioning in Different Ways - 28.9.23

Maths - Estimating Numbers on a Numberline - 29.9.23

English - Organising the text - 29.9.23

20.10.23 - Editing our Writing

20.10.23 - PSHE - Finding Similarities

PE with Coach Leon - Dribbling - 6.11.23

PE with Coach Leon - Dribbling - 13.11.23

Maths Flower Garden - 14.11.23

Triangular Artwork - 15.11.23

PE with Coach Leon - Basketball - 20.11.23

Keeping Fit with Freddy - 7.12.23

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  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227