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Childhood and Family Life

In this topic we will explore:

What everyday life was like for children in the 1970s and 1980s and compare this with our own childhood.

We will explore the different toys, technology, entertainment and shops.

A significant event within living memory: Queen Elizabeth’s Silver Jubilee in 1977, Charles & Diana’s Wedding and King Charles' Coronation.


We will begin our topic with a street party to celebrate the  Queen Elizabeth’s Silver Jubilee in 1977.

Homework Grid - Cycle 1

12.09.24 - Year 1 have had their very own street party to celebrate the Queen’s Silver Jubilee! We have been learning about childhood in the 1970’s and today the children learnt about this very special historical event.

07.10.24 - Year 1 enjoyed their very own teddy bears picnic this morning, as part of their experience day within their English unit. They also recorded alliterative words and adjectives to describe their bears. I hope your terrific teddies and brilliant bears enjoyed their picnic!

  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227