Letter-join is an on-line resource for teaching cursive handwriting at home and at school. It uses interactive animations to demonstrate joined-up letter formation and hundreds of worksheets for handwriting practice.
BBC Bitesize Key Stage One This is a fun and interactive site for KS1 children focusing on Maths, Literacy and Science.
BBC Bitesize KS2
This is a fun and interactive site for Key Stage 2
children focusing on Maths, Literacy and Science.
Fun Kids Online Maths Games This site covers the entire range of Mathematics skills needed by children of all ages and abilities.
ICT Games ICT games is a fun and interactive site that has games that test children's Maths and Literacy Skills.
BBC French
This site will help KS2 children become more secure with developing a second language though videos and a wide range of vocabulary under easy to navigate headings.
This is a free computer programming site where the children can create their own unique worlds through coding.