Welcome to Year 3!
Your teachers this year are Miss O'Gorman and Mrs Shield. We will be supported by the amazing Miss East, the fabulous Miss Casey and the wonderful Miss Holden! We are going to have lots of fun together and post our adventures on here, so please keep your eyes peeled!
A huge thank you to Ewan, Nathan and their families for their kind donations at Christmas time. The boys chose to send 5 basketballs and 400 pencils to children who are less fortunate than them via the charity Unicef. Well done boys!
Home Learning
Our homework project for this half term is below! Make sure you take a look and choose up to three tasks to complete and share with your friends in class.
Reading remains a skill that is highly important. Therefore, we expect children to read their reading book at least three times a week with an adult. We ask that parents/carers sign their child's reading record to show that this has been completed on a regular basis.
Please make sure you bring your reading book in everyday.
Our spelling lists for this half term are below. Please ensure you are practising your spellings at least three times per week.
BBC Bitesize - develop your English skills.
BBC Bitesize - develop your Maths skills.
Pobble - has your work been published? Have a look and don't forget to leave a comment for your friends!
Times Table Rock Stars - can you beat your highest score? Will you become 'class champion'?
Purple Mash - enjoy the vast amount of activities at your fingertips!