School Dinners
Every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in state-funded schools now receives a free school lunch from September 2014. The aim is to improve academic attainment and make sure that every pupil is able to sit down to a hot, healthy lunch with their class mates every day.
The cost of school meals for older children (from Year 3) is £2.30 per day or £11.50 per week.
We have a new fantastic lunch time system which means that all children will ALWAYS get the choice of food they want and not be disappointed. Each morning the children will select one of four meals and wear a coloured band to represent their choice. This means that when they go to the service hatch there will always be enough of their favourite foods ready and waiting.
We are all about making sure the children get what they want!
Please note that this is a guide to the meal choices and on some occasions may alter slightly.
Packed Lunches
If your child brings their own packed lunch we ask that you avoid any fizzy drinks and unhealthy choices.
Please be aware that we are a nut, strawberry and kiwi free school due to children with severe allergies. We really appreciate your cooperation and support with this important issue.
Healthy Packed Lunch Ideas!
Lunchboxes don't need to contain just a sandwich and a packet of crisps. Ensuring the meal contains fruit and/or vegetables, a good helping of starchy carbohydrates and some dairy products will result in a nutritionally balanced lunch.
- Use different varieties of bread throughout the week, such as wholemeal, granary, oat-topped, seed-based, ciabatta, rye, bagels, wraps, pitta, baguettes and rolls. Choose wholemeal varieties for maximum nutrients (such as fibre, B vitamins, vitamin E and magnesium).
- Fruit – include fruit such as apples, grapes, plums and berries. Chopped fruit, fruit salad or dried fruit such as apricots, raisins and dates can be easily handled and eaten by children. A fruit smoothie is also a healthy option.
- Vegetables - chopped vegetables such as carrot, celery and cucumber can be included with dips such as hummus to provide a nutritious snack. Cherry tomatoes, sliced peppers, baby corn and sugar snap peas are great for adding colour and are easy for young children to eat.
- Desserts - fruit can be added to low-sugar jelly, or mixed in with natural yoghurt for a tasty dessert. Yoghurt drinks or small pots of custard or rice pudding can top up calcium intake and provide an alternative to more sugary or fatty options. If you like cakes and biscuits, try varieties such as hot-cross buns, scones and malt loaf. Include your favourite cake once in a while, but keep the portion small.
- Variety is key to keeping lunchboxes appetising and appealing. Sandwich fillings can be packed with salad to add colour and nutrients, and accompanied by low-fat nutritious options such as lean meat, fish, egg and low-fat cheese.
- Drinks - use tap water, or mix it with low-sugar squash or some fruit juice to add flavour. Unsweetened fruit juice and smoothies count towards one of your five a day, but avoid too many sugary drinks which can add lots of extra calories. Milk-based drinks, without added sugar, are a healthier option for teeth than sugary alternatives.