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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Your teacher is the amazing Mrs Booth. We are supported by the wonderful Miss Kenyon. Let's hope we have lots of fun together this year and share all of our adventures on our class page! 

Phonic Drop-in Sessions

Mental Health Week- Freddy Fit

Still image for this video

Dance with Edstart - Mirroring

Home Learning 

Our homework project for this half term is below! Make sure you take a look and choose up to three tasks to complete and share with your friends in class.


Reading remains a skill that is highly important. Therefore, we expect children to read their reading book at least three times a week with an adult. We ask that parents/carers sign their child's reading record to show that this has been completed on a regular basis. 


Please make sure you bring your reading book in everyday.



Our spellings for this half term are as follows:


BBC Bitesize - develop your English skills.

BBC Bitesize - develop your Maths skills.

Phonics Play - practise your phonics and play some games!

Check out these fabulous phonics comics!

Pobble - has your work been published? Have a look and don't forget to leave a comment for your friends!

Times Table Rock Stars - can you beat your highest score? Will you become 'class champion'?

Purple Mash - enjoy the vast amount of activities at your fingertips!


  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227