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Meet the Governors

The Role of the Governing Body


The Governing Body is responsible for the strategic management of the school. This includes appointing the Headteacher and are involved in interviewing other school staff. The governors are responsible and accountable for ensuring that the school discharges their statutory duties under the law. They ensure that the leadership and management of the school has appropriate plans and resources in place to deliver a high quality and effective learning experience for the children at St Hilda’s, whatever their ages and ability, so that every child can achieve his or her full potential. The Governing Body also acts as a ‘critical friend’, monitoring performance & attainment, budgets and the premises, all to ensure that the schools are providing an effective education for our children.

Our School Governors


Michael James (Chair of Governors)

I have been a Governor at St Hilda's for 7 years and Chair since 2020. I have felt it is important to help support the education of young people both in the school and throughout the wider Borough. I enjoy working with children, having been a cub leader nearby for nearly 30 years. I love the family feeling at St Hilda's and have have seen it grow and prosper over recent years with the help of the teaching and support staff, families and governors all working together.


Andrea Smethurst (Foundation Governor)

I became a Foundation Governor at St Hilda's because of my links with the church, and because I believe that all children deserve the chance of an excellent education. St Hilda's is a first class school that recognises each pupil as an individual and encourages them to "learn and grow together" through our vision and positive Christian ethos.


Rachel Senior (Headteacher)

I am proud to be the Headteacher of St Hilda's and am passionate about ensuring all children have access to an interesting, enjoyable and exacting education, which helps them to learn and grow into unique individuals and supports them to truly flourish and have life in all its fullness.


Gemma Price (Staff Governor)



Gary Buttriss-Holt (Foundation Governor)

I was a lecturer and manager in the Further Education sector for over 30 years and I have a fundamental belief in the power of education and its capacity to transform lives.

I currently work as a clerk to seven schools and therefore have an extensive knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of a governor.

I wish to support the pupils and staff of St Hilda’s to ensure that the pupils have the best possible start to their school life and develop the knowledge and skills they need to flourish.


Lindsay Davy (Vice Chair & Parent Governor)

I have worked for the NHS for sixteen years, as a Registered Midwife and currently as part of a multi-disciplinary team within the Physiotherapy department at Fairfield Hospital. During my training I served on the student council at the University of Manchester and was elected cohort representative by my peers. 

I have been Parent Governor since 2018 and have two children attending our school. I believe there are few things more important than investment in the education of our children and relish the opportunity to take part in shaping and developing policies with a view to creating a bright future for all our children at St Hilda's. 




Pecuniary Interests

At all Full Governing Body meetings checks are made on the pecuniary interests of all members. Governors complete and annual Pecuniary Interest Declaration Form.

Instrument of Government

Terms of Office


Headteacher: 1

Staff: 1   

Parents: 2  

Foundation: 3   (including one Ex-officio governor and one Diocesan governor) - 3 vacancies

LA: 1 (1 vacancy)

Total: 11  (10 If the Headteacher resigns as a governor)



What do our Governors' Committees Do?


The Finance, Staffing, Pay and Buildings Committee has three main purposes.


  1. In consultation with the Headteacher, the committee helps plan and set the school budget. The committee monitors expenditure against the budget and ensures the school operates within the relevant financial standards.
  2. This Committee keeps under review the staffing structure of our school. Members oversee the appointment procedures for staff, and keep under review staff work life balance, working conditions and well being. They also monitor the effectiveness of staff appraisals.
  3. This Committee reviews progress on premises matters and planned improvements and building work based on our school building development plan. It establishes, implements and monitors the schools Health & Safety Policy and Safeguarding Policy. It keeps under review the schools' Accessibility Plan.


The Standards and Effectiveness Committee ensures that the school meets the requirements of the National Curriculum. It receives and reports on the progress and achievement of all pupils. Policies are reviewed, amended and approved.


The Vision & Ethos Committee is a committee of governors whose role is to support, advise and challenge the Headteacher and the Governing Body in matters relating to the school’s Christian distinctiveness, vision and ethos and how this is lived out in all aspects of school life in order for all members of the school community to flourish.

Link Governors

Governing Body Meetings Attendance

Governors are required to attend all full Governing Body meetings and Committee Meetings of which they are a member. Absences are recorded and must be approved by the committee. Non attendance at meetings may result in a Governor being removed from our School's Governing Body.

  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227