Home Page

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 2019-20


Your class teacher is Mrs Torres, supported by Mrs Ryan.   Please keep visiting our page for information about what is going on in class and to see the wonderful work we have produced.

Class Timetable

Special Learning Days

Meet the Teacher Presentation

Home Learning

Our homework project for this half term is below.  Children are required to choose three tasks to complete and share with their friends in class.  At least one of the tasks should be a written task.


Reading continues to be a skill that is highly important and it is still good practise for the children to read to parents as well as independently.  We expect children to read their school reading book at least three times a week to an adult at home and ask that parents/carers sign the record to show this has been completed.  Reading books should come to school every day.


Our spelling lists for this half term are below.  Please ensure you are practising three times per week.

Useful Links

  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227