We are proud to be a Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School!
But what does that mean? Sounds complicated!
It's not! A voluntary aided school is a state-funded school in England and Wales in which a foundation or trust (in our case, the Church of England), contributes to building costs and has a substantial influence in the development of the school.
The Diocesan Board of Education for the Diocese of Manchester appoints a majority of the school governors via St Hilda’s PCC. The Governing Body is responsible for the strategic development of the school, employs the staff and decides the school's admission arrangements, subject to the national Schools Admissions Code.
Pupils at voluntary aided schools follow the National Curriculum. Voluntary Aided faith schools, like all faith schools, may teach religious education according to their own faith.
For more information about what makes us special, as a Church of England primary school, please look at:
The 'Vision and Values' section of our website
Our collective worship and RE policies in the 'Policies' section of the website.
Our latest SIAMS Report (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) can be found in the 'Ofsted & SIAMs' section of the website