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Splendid Skies

Imagine floating high above land and sea on a bed of clouds, silently sweeping by on a billowing breeze. Back down to earth, let’s take a walk outdoors. But what should we wear? Wellington boots? A sun hat? Maybe a warm coat? How do we know what the weather will be like today? Read and write poems and postcards, and, if you don’t like today’s weather report, why not write your own? Make a weather station to find out more about the weather in your area. What weather do you prefer? Sunshine, snow, storms or showers? Get your wellies on and let’s go.


Year 1 have been learning about the different types of weather, the children then used their presenting skills to present the weather forecast.

Today in English Year 1 have read the book, ‘Clouds’ by Anne Rockwell. They then used the dictionary to find the definitions for the new scientific vocabulary they have learnt.

In English Year 1 have started to read the book, ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’. They have created the sound of rain using their body and used a range of instruments to recreate the music that Lila danced to, once she had found the secret of rain. Well done Year 1!

Today in Design and Technology Year 1 have explored wheels, axles and chassis. They then tested cars made using different axles. After that, they designed their moving vehicle which they will create later this week.

  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227