'When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.'
Mark 6:34
Religious Education at St Hilda’s enables all our children, whatever their background, to investigate and reflect upon some of the most fundamental questions asked by people. We develop our children’s knowledge and understanding of the major world faiths, and we address the primary questions in life: the meaning of life, the existence of a divine spirit and its impact and relevance on today’s society including each and every person.
We enable and encourage all our children, from all ethnic and religious backgrounds, to develop a sound knowledge of Christianity and other major world religions. The R.E curriculum maintains a balanced approach of Learning about Religion and Learning from Religion. The children at St Hilda’s reflect on what it means to have faith and develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. Our children are guided to learn about their own and different religions and to learn from the religions they study, applying, discussing and assimilating their understanding.
Through Religious Education we aim to:
• equip children to acquire and develop knowledge, understanding and respect for Christianity and the other major world faiths;
• develop the children’s understanding of the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities, societies and cultures;
• develop the children’s respect for other people’s right to hold different beliefs;
• equip pupils to recognise the common search of all humanity for the ultimate truth and relationship with the divine;
• help children recognise the common human quest for justice, peace and love and the common goal of the survival of life on this planet;
• develop the pupils’ ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues;
• enhance the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of our pupils by:
- developing awareness of the fundamental questions of life raised by human experience, and how Biblical teaching can relate to them;
- responding to such questions with reference to the teachings and practices of Christianity and to their understanding and experience;
- reflecting on their own beliefs, values and experiences in light of their study;
• help the children to develop a positive attitude towards living in a society of diverse religions.
Distinctive content of the RE Curriculum in a Church School. RE in our school should also aim to:
• help pupils to visit places of worship, especially the local parish Church, to develop the understanding of the Church as a living community;
• help pupils to explore the experience of the Church’s year;
• allow children access to Christian artefacts that are used with care, respect and confidence;
• allow pupils from other faith backgrounds to understand and be encouraged in their faith;
• allow pupils with no religious background to face the challenge of the Christian faith.
What our children say about RE
I like RE because we learn about God and stories from the Bible - Success Y2
I enjoy RE lessons because they make me think about things - Eva Y3
I really enjoy finding out about other faiths and what is important to them - Jack Y4
RE gives us the opportunity to explore our own faith and here about the faith of others and I enjoy this. I love sharing my faith with others - Hassnat Y6