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The School Day


To ensure a smooth transition into school and so every child is in the classroom on time and ready to start learning we open the doors at 8.50am each morning. All children should go straight into their classroom to hang up their coats and bags. Class teachers will be there to receive the children and planned activities will be available. At 9.00am the doors to both buildings will be closed and the registers will be taken.


Children who arrive after 9.00am are late and must report to the school office. Please do not knock on the external doors as staff will not be available to open them as teaching and learning has already started.


Children should not be on either playground any earlier than 8.50am unsupervised.


School dinners are served between 11.45am and 1.15pm. Lunches are staggered to ensure that all children enjoy lunch with their peers.


School closes at 3.30pm. Parents and carers should collect their child from the building in which they are taught. Staff will not allow a child to go home with an adult they do not recognise.


Our school day runs from 8.50am - 3.30pm Monday-Friday. The total hours are 33hours 20minutes.


Please ensure that you notify us if anyone different will be collecting your child in person or by telephoning the school office.

  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227