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So teach us to number our days that we may get

a heart of wisdom.


Psalm 90:12

At St Hilda’s CE (VA) Primary School the teaching of maths is geared towards enabling each pupil to develop their learning and achieve their full potential. We endeavour to not only develop the mathematics skills and understanding required for later life, but also to foster an enthusiasm and fascination about maths itself. We aim to increase pupil confidence in maths so they are able to express themselves and their ideas using the language of maths with assurance. We want the children to see mathematics as being relevant to their world and applicable to everyday life as well as being something that they will need as they move on through their school life and ultimately to the world of employment.


Our aim is to ensure that all children:

  • Become FLUENT;
  • REASON and EXPLAIN mathematically;


We intend to develop, through our teaching of mathematics, the following attitudes:

  • Curiosity and interest;
  • Pleasure and thoughtfulness;
  • Critical appraisal;
  • Independence;
  • Confidence;
  • Perseverance.

We use White Rose maths overviews to plan sessions that include concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to maths. 

Teachers personalise and tailor lessons to meet the needs of all children, supported by a wide range of resources including Maths Shed, Third Space Learning, Gareth Metcalf.

Each class has several maths boxes that are well resources with mathematical apparatus – Base 10, PV counters, counters, number lines… Children are able to self-select from these.

Although we follow a mastery approach, we are more than aware some children are not able to access their chronological year group expectations and therefore we differentiate specific objectives to ensure they achieve their next steps. 

We have additional Skills school sessions which focus on fluency and recall of key facts and ‘sticky knowledge’ Children will revisit recent concepts as well as revisit prior learning. 

We have a wide range of interventions which are directed by class teachers and monitored in terms of effectiveness. 

We provide booster sessions where necessary where individual children are provided with extra support to help them understand a concept.

Monitoring is scheduled regularly and takes the form of learning walks, lesson observations, pupil conferencing, whole school progression activities, Key skills (non-negotiables) rag rating and data collection.

Maths is embedded across the curriculum but is specifically evident in several Science and DT lessons, this has been mapped by the maths and science leads to ensure the maths is taught at age appropriate stages.

Year Group Non - Negotiables

Maths Policy

Characteristics of a Mathematician

Maths in Action at St Hilda's

Maths Week England is a grassroots movement to share the joy of mathematics with everyone. It launched in 2019.  This Year is the second Year St Hilda's have been involved with lots of  fabulous, fun and active maths sessions.

The vision is to provide young people in England with a positive image of mathematics, and to contribute in a small way to changing the national attitude towards this vital and beautiful subject.

NSPCC - Number Day 2022

Robots and Rockers Fancy Dress Winners

Once again, we supported the NSPCC in February and took part in number Day.  Our theme for the day was Rockers and Robots, linking to TT Rockstars and Numbots, which we use in school.

Throughout the day, children participated in mathematical challenges and learned about the importance of the work of the NSPCC.

What our Children Say about Maths

" The answers are hard and I like being challenged to find them" - Joseph Y2


"You've got to be able to use maths to get a good job" - Seb Y6


" Its really fun when we do maths games" - Lexi Y3


"I like how I understand things more and more the older I get" - Tunde Y5


"I love counting in tens in maths" - James Y1


"Maths brings out my competitive side.  I'm always determined to get to the answer and be the best" - Humayun Y6


"I like playing on Timestable Rockstars " - Miles Y3

Maths Archive

All children in school have access to Numbots and TT Rockstars to develop their mathematical fluency.

Numbots and TT Rockstars

  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227