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Traders and Raiders

Who’s that waving axes and brandishing swords? It’s the Saxons invading Britain’s shores! During this half term, we’ll start by making sturdy boats to sail the ocean’s fearsome waves. We’ll write reports as an onlooker who witnessed the Saxons’ landing, and we’ll find out about key dates. Using online maps, we’ll plot the location of Roman shore forts and draw our own sketch maps. We’ll make models of Saxon weaponry, homes and jewellery and carefully carve runes using clay tools. When we learn about the Legend of King Arthur, we’ll retell the story, and write character portraits about Alfred the Great. We’ll write poems praising King Olaf, making sure they are complimentary, and learn about the everyday lives of the Saxons and Vikings. Using maps, we’ll identify the places where the invaders came from and locate viking invasion sites. We’ll research Viking beliefs and take part in a scrumptious Viking feast.

Entry Point - Saxon Boats

Testing our Saxon boats

KL grid

Printing shield designs

Useful Information:
Shore Forts
King Arthur
Alfred The Great

  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227