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"But now bring me a musician.” And when the musician played, the hand of the Lord came upon him.

2 Kings 3:15




At St Hilda’s Primary School, we believe that music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and develop their talent as musicians. This increases their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose and appreciate a range of music.  


We aim to ensure that music teaching gives children the chance to perform, listen to and review music, including music from different time periods. We want them to explore music and listen to the work of different composers and musicians to appreciate different styles and improve their own composition skills. We encourage the development of singing skills and promote opportunities to share talent during extra curricular activities, as well as in school. 




We use the Charanga scheme to deliver music at St Hilda's.  The same member of staff teaches lessons accross the school.  Additionally, we provide additional opportunites to explore musical instruments in each year group.  In Year 5, the children receive additional lessons provided by Bury Music Service where every child learns to play the violin.

To foster a love of music and singing, we  have developed an after school choir and attend annual events such as Young Voices and Carol Singing at Bury Market.  

Characteristics of a Musician

Music in  Action

Year 5 Violin - January 2023

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Bury Music Service Concert - September 2022

Singing at Bury Market - December 2022

Singing at Bury Market - December 2022

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Singing at Bury Market - December 2022

Still image for this video

  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227