Welcome to the planet’s coldest lands, which are incredibly beautiful, yet often deadly. This half term, we’ll start by making and observing icebergs. We’ll then find out more about them using non-fiction books. We’ll learn technical vocabulary so we can write reports in the role of engineers. Using globes and maps, we’ll identify the polar regions, comparing the Arctic and Antarctic. We’ll also think about how we can protect the polar environment. Then, we’ll investigate the tragic story of the RMS Titanic, and find out about the people on board. We’ll download images of polar features and save our information in digital folders. When we’re more familiar with the polar regions, we’ll write exciting stories, poems and diary entries from the perspective of brave explorers. Researching our favourite polar animals will be fun, and we’ll create animal artwork inspired by the Inuit people. We’ll experiment with digital photography and create amazing effects using paints and dyes. At the end of the ILP, we’ll present what we have learned and construct a large-scale model of an igloo!
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