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Here We Are

As a school, we have all read and completed work based around Oliver Jeffers book - Here We are.

This fantastic book really inspired us to look at our surroundings.  We started by looking at the planet as a whole, we then zoomed into the British Isles before zooming into the North West, Manchester and Prestwich.

Our work has enabled us to develop our English, Maths, Geography, History and Art Skills. 

Planet Earth, Our World

Planet Earth Factfiles

Creating Graphs

The Children used the book If the World were a Village to find data.  The book bases the world on a village of 100 people, showing that if there were only 100 people - how many of them would be from each continent, How many would follow each religion, the life expectancy in each place...


The children then used Microsoft Excel and input the data into the cells.  they then used the graph wizard to create bar charts, pie charts and line graphs to shown the information as clearly as possible.

What a Wonderful World

The children listened to Louis Armstrong's song 'What a Wonderful World.' They then wrote their own verses.

The British Isles, United Kingdom, Great Britain

After learning the geographical differences between Great Britain, the UK and the British Isles, we created David Attenborough style documentary voice-over scripts.

North West England

North West Attractions

The children researched North West attractions and were then tasked with creating information but persuasive tourist booklets to encourage people to visit the North West
Read the full brochures below:


Manchester Research

Manchester Doodles

Manchester Poems

We read Tony Walsh's poem 'This is the place' and analysed each verse. We learned lots about Manchester's history! We decided that the poem really shared the sense of pride Manchester has. We looked ar other poems about London ( William Blake) and Liverpool - Daughter of Merseyside by Levi Tafari and analysed the mood they created. Inspired by each of these poets, we wrote our own versions using Liverpool  - Daughter of Merseyside as the structural model.

Manchester Poetry inspired by Tony Walsh

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Manchester Poetry inspired by Tony Walsh

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Manchester Poetry inspired by Tony Walsh

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Manchester Poetry inspired by Tony Walsh

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Manchester Poetry inspired by Tony Walsh

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Manchester Poetry inspired by Tony Walsh

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Manchester Poetry inspired by Tony Walsh

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Manchester Poetry inspired by Tony Walsh

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Manchester Poetry inspired by Tony Walsh

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Manchester Poetry inspired by Tony Walsh

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Manchester Poetry inspired by Tony Walsh

Still image for this video

Tony Walsh listened to our poems!

  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227