Home Page

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 2021-22

Your class teacher is Mrs Jones and we are supported by Ms Casey. On these pages you will find out everything that you need to know about Year 4 and see what we are doing in class.

So keep checking back regularly to see some of the wonderful work that we have been doing


Our Class Timetable


This timetable may change slightly week on week as we implement our new spelling scheme which is on a two week cycle. 


PE is on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Children must come to school wearing their PE kit.

Our school PE kit is:

- a white t-shirt

- black shorts

- pumps for indoors

- trainers of pumps for outdoors

- plain, black jogging bottoms


Branded sportswear and coloured hoodies should not be worn.


Superstar Readers

This is our new reading challenge.

Children are to read throughout the week with an adult and have their planners signed. On a Friday, the amount of times that that they have read will be noted and each child will receive that number of Dojo points.

Children that read 5 times or more in the week will receive a prize. 

Learning the Ukulele

Creating a wearable digestive system - Wearing it!

Creating a wearable digestive system - Designing.

Yoga and Meditation with Edstart

Where do our organs go?

What teeth do we use to eat certain foods?

Our sugar and eggshell experiment

Creating Dental Impressions

Creating our own emotional art - Inspired by Edvard Munch

Internet Safety Day 2022

Meet the teacher Y4 2021-2022

Useful Links

  • St Hilda's CE (VA) Primary School
  • Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Lancashire, M25 1HA
  • Email:
  • 0161 7986227